Young Adults in Nursing Homes

The term “nursing homes” usually refers to places that older adults live, but most people do not know that younger adults are also in nursing homes too.  Not only the numbers of older Americans in nursing homes are increasing, but the numbers of younger Americans in nursing homes are also increasing.  The reasons that these younger people are living in nursing homes are primarily caused by mental retardation, developmental disabilities, and other problems such as depression and bipolar.  A study was conducted in 2009 to observe residents who were between 18-64 years old in eight nursing homes in Texas.  The staff who worked at those nursing homes recorded that those younger residents required more care than older residents.  The younger residents did not want to do anything except to talk; however, there were times that the staff could not be there for them, or they did not have the patience to sit there and listen to them.  For most younger residents, their issues are not getting dressed, moving around, or other physical activities, but having problems with getting involved with others in the community.  Even though the percentage of younger Americans in nursing homes is still small, this is a big problem because the rate of the younger residents is rising over time.  According to the same study, less than 12% of these younger residents had a person in the community who was supportive of their discharge.  Similar to elders in nursing homes, support from community, friends, and family are also critical factors for the health of younger Americans.  Therefore, by talking to nursing home residents can help them get through their problems.

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